Title: The ABCs of connecting with the written word (Young Readers in the 21st Century – Information sheet 4)
Author: Réseau réussite Montréal
Publisher: Réseau réussite Montréal
Year: 2020
Format : PDF
This infographic is based on a presentation by Olivier Dezutter (Université de Sherbooke).
The Young Readers in the 21st Century series is a brief, easy-to-digest compilation of knowledge about different aspects of reading, along with practical ideas to promote reading for pleasure.
The opportunity to read might arise in many different times and places. Fact sheet 4 is about taking advantage of such opportunities and transforming them into activities that will maximize the development of literacy skills.
This infographic is based on a presentation by Olivier Dezutter (Université de Sherbooke).
Documents :
Other information sheets in the series:
- Information sheet 1: What is reading?
- Information sheet 2: Functional reading
- Information sheet 3: Promoting reading, it’s everybody’s business
- Information sheet 5: Multilingual reading (infographic based on a presentation by Françoise Armand [Université de Montréal])
- Information sheet 6: Reading on digital platforms (infographic based on a presentation by Nathalie Lacelle [Université du Québec à Montréal])
- Information sheet 7: Thinking outside the reading box