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Montreal Hooked on School’s mission is to mobilize all partners in Montreal and become a focal point for initiatives that have a positive impact on young people, parents, and other concerned parties, with the objective of increasing school perseverance and success, and reconnecting with school.
Targets | Orientations | Priorities for action | Background | Annual reports
2 targets
- Support school boards and targeted schools in reaching their graduation-rate targets and in implementing their success plans.
- Help to reduce the rate of vulnerability among children entering school.
5 orientations
- Strengthen prevention strategies for 0–12-year-olds
- Help 13–20-year-olds stay in, or return to, school
- Mobilize local, regional and interregional actors
- Document the Montreal reality and support knowledge transfer
- Promote the value of education
4 priorities for action
- Support action in the Island of Montreal’s most sensitive areas.
- Foster connections among all partners and the community, as well as the cohesion of actions to promote school perseverance and success.
- Document, promote and disseminate information relevant to actions that encourage school perseverance and success.
- Enhance partners’ ability to take action.
The mobilization arising from these efforts is at the heart of MHS’s model for action, and serves to:
- Rally stakeholders around shared priorities in school perseverance and success.
- Facilitate the transfer of knowledge and expertise among stakeholders.
- Promote coordination among stakeholders from different sectors in carrying out joint actions.
- Support the development and implementation of effective actions.
- Increase the coherence of action in favour of school perseverance.
In implementing this model, Montreal Hooked on School has invested in two areas of expertise to support school perseverance action in Montreal:
- The basic principles of effective action in school perseverance
- Planning a collaborative process for schools and communities
2002: Establishment of the Table des partenaires pour la persévérance scolaire à Montréal.
2004: Establishment of the Carrefour de lutte au décrochage scolaire.
2009: Merging of the Carrefour and the Table des partenaires to create Montreal Hooked on School.