Title: PIRLS 2021 International Results in Reading
Author: TIMSS & PIRLS International Study Center
Publisher: Boston College
Year: 2023
Format: PDF
Results from an international study conducted every five years indicate a reduction in reading achievement among fourth grade students following the pandemic in 21 of the 32 countries in which a comparison is possible with the previous study in 2016.* The study also links the results with a number of indicators, including socioeconomic status, literacy activities before starting school, school climate, and student attitudes toward reading.
*While the study is recognized as very reliable, the authors caution prudence when interpreting the 2021 results due to the exceptional nature of the pandemic and the variation in measures put in place to counter it. Moreover, comparison of results for countries and provinces that, like Quebec, have postponed the 2021 evaluation to grade 5, is treated separately.