Title: Children and Schools During COVID-19 and Beyond: Engagement and Connection Through Opportunity
Author: Vaillancourt, T. et al.
Publisher: Royal Society of Canada
Year: 2021
Format: PDF
« This Policy Briefing Report from the Children and Schools COVID-19 Working Group is intended to serve as a pandemic recovery resource for educators, administrators, support staff, school mental health professionals, and decision makers in the education sector, as well as parents/guardians and the general public. Toward this aim, this report comprises nine stand-alone chapters that provide a review and synthesis of the current state of knowledge up until August 8, 2021. Some of the chapters contain original research data, and all of the chapters contain expert opinion and detailed recommendations for a pandemic recovery in education. The recommendations provided in the executive summary are not exhaustive, but rather reflect a synthesis of the recommendations found at the end of each chapter. An Appendix on infection prevention and control is also included. » (Excerpt from the document)