Related pages
- Association with peers
- Educational and career aspirations
- Feelings of depression
- Management practices
- Motivation and engagement
- Neighbourhood of residence
- Nutrition and physical activity
- Pedagogical and educational practices
- School climate
- School performance in reading, writing and mathematics
- Self-control and social and behavioural conduct
- Self-esteem
- Student/teacher relationship
- Support for students having difficulty
- The determinants of school perseverance
- Tobacco, alcohol and drugs
- Value placed on education and parental involvement
- Work/school balance
Youth who drop out often come from socioeconomically disadvantaged neighbourhoods, where it may be hard to access services. To compensate for the social and material disadvantages brought about by poverty and low social cohesion, community resources in these areas act as a social safety net for families and youth by providing support and fulfilling needs in an effort to prevent dropout.
Courses of effective action
- Ensure that regional and local strategic plans are established throughout Québec to provide better access to services and better service continuity from birth to high school.
- Provide resources to guide parents in disadvantaged communities in supervising their children’s education, in working with schools.
- Raise awareness among local employers of the importance of education for youth in the area.
- Put in place services to help develop the educational and career goals of youth and their parents.
- Make sure that youth develop in a healthy and safe environment, free from violence and negligence.
Source: Réunir Réussir
For more information
School perseverance at a glance