All posts by Mireille Aubin

L’engagement des parents : rôles, attentes et enjeux

Parental engagement: roles, expectations, and issues

200 school perseverance stakeholders gathered at the Grande Bibliothèque to discuss the myriad facets of parental engagement in children’s educational experience. The presentation of research findings sparked a consideration of the roles and expectations of parents and other educational stakeholders, of the issues related to parental engagement, and of how to promote the value of such engagement.

The presentation was followed by a panel to present initiatives and shed light on the conditions that promote parental engagement and on traps to avoid.

Speakers and presentations


Parental engagement: roles, expectations and issues [PowerPoint Presentation] (French only)

Serge J. Larivée, Ph. D.
Associate Professor
Faculty of Education
Department of Psychopedagogy and Andragogy
Université de Montréal

Initiatives panel

Sault-au-Récollet Project [PowerPoint Presentation] (French only)

  • Anne-Geneviève Ialongo, Principal, La Visitation school
  • Christian Lacombe, Principal, Saints-Martyrs-Canadiens school
  • Brigitte Robert, Community Mobilization Officer, Centre de ressources éducatives et communautaires pour adultes

Spaghetti Nights Family Workshops [PowerPoint Presentation] (French only)

  • Matthew Albert, Educational Consultant, Lester B. Pearson School Board
  • Anurag Dhir, Community Engagement Coordinator, Social Equity and Diversity Education Office, McGill University

Immigrant students and success in high school

A research team studying immigration, equity, and schooling (Groupe de recherche Immigration, équité et scolarisation—GRIES) joined forces with Montreal Hooked on School to launch 13 summary documents about the high school success of students from immigrant backgrounds.  To help disseminate the group’s conclusion and determine their effects on programs and practices, over 150 representatives from all sectors gathered at the Commission scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys for a half-day of discussions on the highlights of these documents.


Marie Mc Andrew
Full professor, Canada Senior Research Chair on Education and Ethnic Relations
Faculty of Education, Université de Montréal
Director, GRIES


Presentation of documents and discussions of GRIES research results

  • Marie Mc Andrew
    Full professor, Canada Senior Research Chair on Education and Ethnic Relations
    Faculty of Education, Université de Montréal
    Director, GRIES
  • Jacques Ledent
    Research professor
    Centre Urbanisation Culture et Société
    Institut national de la recherche scientifique
    Member of GRIES
  • M. Alhassane Balde
    Ph.D., Université Paris-Descartes
    Post-doctoral fellow, Faculty of Education, Université de Montréal
    Member of GRIES
  • Mme Masha Bakhshaei
    Ph.D candidate
    Faculty of Education, Université de Montréal


Video of presentation (French only)

PowerPoint Presentation (French only)

Summary documents: “La réussite au secondaire des élèves issus de l’immigration” (French only)

Key topic: Students from immigrant backgrounds (French only)

La persévérance scolaire, une question de genre?

School perseverance. A gender issue?

Over 250 partners from all sectors attended this talk on gender-differentiated approaches to promoting school perseverance and success. The panellists discussed the topic from the perspective of Montreal-specific characteristics of school perseverance. Québec Minister of Education, Recreation and Sport Marie Malavoy was also in attendance to give the keynote address.


Michel Venne, Executive Director and Founder, Institut du Nouveau Monde


Round table: “School perseverance. A gender issue?”

  • Pierre Potvin, Full professor, Psychoeducation, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivière; Research consultant for CTREQ
  • Monique Brodeur, Dean, Faculty of Education, Université du Québec à Montréal
  • Isabelle Archambault, Professor, Psychoeducation, Université de Montréal


Video of event (French only)


La mobilisation locale autour du processus d’élaboration des plans d’action locaux : état de situation et conditions de réussite

Titre : Réseau réussite Montréal : évaluation de sa mobilisation et d’actions mises en œuvre dans les quartiers ciblés  – Tome 2 – La mobilisation locale autour du processus d’élaboration des plans d’action locaux : état de situation et conditions de réussite

Auteur : Évalécole

Éditeur : Évalécole

Année : 2015

Format : PDF


En 2012, RRM a entrepris une démarche d’évaluation afin de mesurer l’efficacité de l’appui apporté par sa stratégie d’action locale. Divisée en trois volets, l’évaluation vise à analyser la mobilisation régionale, la mobilisation locale et les répercussions de certaines initiatives soutenues.

Réalisé par l’équipe Évalécole, dirigée par le Pr Michel Janosz de l’Université de Montréal, ce rapport présente le second volet de la démarche d’évaluation.

Document : La mobilisation locale autour du processus d’élaboration des plans d’action locaux : état de situation et conditions de réussite

Évolution et état de la mobilisation régionale

Titre : Réseau réussite Montréal : évaluation de sa mobilisation et d’actions mises en œuvre dans les quartiers ciblés  – Tome 1 : Évolution et état de la mobilisation régionale

Auteur : Évalécole

Éditeur : Évalécole

Année : 2014

Format : PDF


En 2012, RRM a entrepris une démarche d’évaluation afin de mesurer l’efficacité de l’appui apporté par sa stratégie d’action locale. Divisée en trois volets, l’évaluation vise à analyser la mobilisation régionale, la mobilisation locale et les répercussions de certaines initiatives soutenues.

Réalisé par l’équipe Évalécole, dirigée par le Pr Michel Janosz de l’Université de Montréal, ce rapport présente le premier volet de la démarche d’évaluation.

Document : Évolution et état de la mobilisation régionale

Community resources

Title : Community resources

Author : ST-PIERRE, Marc

Publisher : Réunir Réussir

Year : 2013

Format : PDF


Fact sheet #18 of the kit « Taking Effective Action on the Determinants of School Perseverance and Educational Success » produced by Réunir Réussir. This practical reference sheet provides information about current research on the determinant, links to other documentation, and courses of action.

Document: Community resources

Neighbourhood of residence

Title : Neighbourhood of residence

Author : ST-PIERRE, Marc

Publisher : Réunir Réussir

Year : 2013

Format : PDF


Fact sheet #17 of the kit « Taking Effective Action on the Determinants of School Perseverance and Educational Success » produced by Réunir Réussir. This practical reference sheet provides information about current research on the determinant, links to other documentation, and courses of action.

Document: Neighbourhood of residence

School climate

Title : School climate

Author : ST-PIERRE, Marc

Publisher : Réunir Réussir

Year : 2013

Format : PDF


Fact sheet #16 of the kit « Taking Effective Action on the Determinants of School Perseverance and Educational Success » produced by Réunir Réussir. This practical reference sheet provides information about current research on the determinant, links to other documentation, and courses of action.

Document: School climate

Support for students having difficulty

Title : Support for students having difficulty

Author : ST-PIERRE, Marc

Publisher : Réunir Réussir

Year : 2013

Format : PDF


Fact sheet #15 of the kit « Taking Effective Action on the Determinants of School Perseverance and Educational Success » produced by Réunir Réussir. This practical reference sheet provides information about current research on the determinant, links to other documentation, and courses of action.

Document: Support for students having difficulty

Management practices

Title : Management practices

Author : ST-PIERRE, Marc

Publisher : Réunir Réussir

Year : 2013

Format : PDF


Fact sheet #14 of the kit « Taking Effective Action on the Determinants of School Perseverance and Educational Success » produced by Réunir Réussir. This practical reference sheet provides information about current research on the determinant, links to other documentation, and courses of action.

Document: Management practices