Category Archives: Documentation

LATULU Challenge

Title: LATULU Challenge

Author: Table de concertation des bibliothécaires scolaires et publics de l’île de Montréal and Réseau réussite Montréal*

Publisher: Réseau réussite Montréal

Year: 2020

Format: PDF


Reading-idea and game cards, organized into 8 levels, to encourage reading for pleasure among 0–17-year-olds.

LATULU Challenge cards are available in libraries and on the BAnQ website.


  • Content selection and texts: Table de concertation des bibliothécaires scolaires et publics de l’île de Montréal
  • Production: Réseau réussite Montréal

Documents : LATULU Challenge

Thinking outside the reading box (Young Readers in the 21st Century – Information sheet 7)

Title: Thinking outside the reading box (Young Readers in the 21st Century – Information sheet 7)

Author: Réseau réussite Montréal

Publisher: Réseau réussite Montréal

Year: 2020

Format: PDF


The Young Readers in the 21st Century series is a brief, easy-to-digest compilation of knowledge about different aspects of reading, along with practical ideas to promote reading for pleasure.

Fact sheet 7 has 10 examples of projects to get away from the traditional reading environment.

Documents :

Other information sheets in the series:

Reading on digital platforms (Young Readers in the 21st Century – Information sheet 6)

Title: Reading on digital platforms (Young Readers in the 21st Century – Information sheet 6)

Author: Réseau réussite Montréal

Publisher: Réseau réussite Montréal

Year: 2020

Format: PDF


The Young Readers in the 21st Century series is a brief, easy-to-digest compilation of knowledge about different aspects of reading, along with practical ideas to promote reading for pleasure.

Fact sheet 6 concerns new technologies and reading in a digital context. The fact sheet also suggests projects for combining reading with technology.

This infographic is based on a presentation by Nathalie Lacelle (Université du Québec à Montréal).

Documents :

Other information sheets in the series:

Multilingual reading (Young Readers in the 21st Century – Information sheet 5)

Title: Multilingual reading (Young Readers in the 21st Century – Information sheet 5)

Author: Réseau réussite Montréal

Publisher: Réseau réussite Montréal

Year: 2020

Format: PDF


The Young Readers in the 21st Century series is a brief, easy-to-digest compilation of knowledge about different aspects of reading, along with practical ideas to promote reading for pleasure.

Fact sheet 5 covers multilingual approaches to literacy that will encourage allophone students to read and write in French and offers several activities for preschool, elementary, and high school levels.

This infographic is based on a presentation by Françoise Armand (Université de Montréal).

Documents :

Other information sheets in the series:

The ABCs of connecting with the written word (Young Readers in the 21st Century – Information sheet 4)

Title: The ABCs of connecting with the written word (Young Readers in the 21st Century – Information sheet 4)

Author: Réseau réussite Montréal

Publisher: Réseau réussite Montréal

Year: 2020

Format : PDF


This infographic is based on a presentation by Olivier Dezutter (Université de Sherbooke).


The Young Readers in the 21st Century series is a brief, easy-to-digest compilation of knowledge about different aspects of reading, along with practical ideas to promote reading for pleasure.

The opportunity to read might arise in many different times and places. Fact sheet 4 is about taking advantage of such opportunities and transforming them into activities that will maximize the development of literacy skills.

This infographic is based on a presentation by Olivier Dezutter (Université de Sherbooke).

Documents :

Other information sheets in the series:

Promoting reading, it’s everybody’s business (Young Readers in the 21st Century – Information sheet 3)

Title: Promoting reading, it’s everybody’s business (Young Readers in the 21st Century – Information sheet 3)

Author: Réseau réussite Montréal

Publisher: Réseau réussite Montréal

Year: 2020

Format : PDF


The Young Readers in the 21st Century series is a brief, easy-to-digest compilation of knowledge about different aspects of reading, along with practical ideas to promote reading for pleasure.

Fact sheet 3 presents various ways to encourage young people of all ages to read.

Documents :

Other information sheets in the series:

Functional reading (Young Readers in the 21st Century – Information sheet 2)

Title: Functional reading (Young Readers in the 21st Century – Information sheet 2)

Author: Réseau réussite Montréal

Publisher: Réseau réussite Montréal

Year: 2020

Format : PDF


The Young Readers in the 21st Century series is a brief, easy-to-digest compilation of knowledge about different aspects of reading, along with practical ideas to promote reading for pleasure.

Fact sheet 2 is about functional reading and the day-to-day practices of those with little motivation to read. It also offers options for organizing reading activities for young people who are less inclined to read.

Documents :

Other information sheets in the series:

What is reading? (Young Readers in the 21st Century – Information sheet 1)

Title: What is reading? (Young Readers in the 21st Century – Information sheet 1)

Author: Réseau réussite Montréal

Publisher: Réseau réussite Montréal

Year: 2020

Format : PDF


The Young Readers in the 21st Century series is a brief, easy-to-digest compilation of knowledge about different aspects of reading, along with practical ideas to promote reading for pleasure.

Fact sheet 1 presents examples of the many opportunities to read in everyday life.

Documents :

Other information sheets in the series:

L’accès à l’enseignement postsecondaire : l’effet de la segmentation scolaire au Québec

Titre : L’accès à l’enseignement postsecondaire : l’effet de la segmentation scolaire au Québec

Auteur : Benoît Laplante, Pierre Doray, Émilie Tremblay, Pierre Canisius Kamanzi, Annie Pilote, Olivier Lafontaine

Éditeur : Chaire-réseau de recherche sur la jeunesse du Québec

Année : 2020

Format : PDF


“Au Québec, l’enseignement secondaire se donne dans des écoles publiques et dans des écoles privées. Les deux types d’école sont en concurrence et ont développé des projets pédagogiques particuliers pour attirer les élèves. L’enseignement secondaire est ainsi segmenté en filières dont certaines attirent les élèves les plus favorisés et les autres accueillent ceux qui le sont moins. L’objectif de cette recherche est d’évaluer l’effet de la segmentation scolaire sur l’accès à l’enseignement postsecondaire. On utilise un échantillon tiré des données administratives du ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur (MEES). Il est constitué du quart de tous les élèves de la cohorte des nouveaux inscrits au secondaire en 2002–2003, soit 22 426 cas. Les résultats montrent que la segmentation scolaire crée des inégalités d’accès à l’enseignement postsecondaire et que ces inégalités scolaires sont, au moins en partie, le reflet de la ségrégation liée à la différenciation des filières suivies.” (Résumé tiré de l’étude)

Document : L’accès à l’enseignement postsecondaire : l’effet de la segmentation scolaire au Québec

Young Readers in the 21st Century (Information sheets)

Title: Young Readers in the 21st Century (Information sheets)

Author: Réseau réussite Montréal

Publisher: Réseau réussite Montréal

Year: 2020

Format: PDF


The Young Readers in the 21st Century series is a brief, easy-to-digest compilation of knowledge about different aspects of reading, along with practical ideas to promote reading for pleasure.

Documents :