Category Archives: Theme for documentation

Transitioning from high school to CÉGEP – a key moment for educational success

Title: Transitioning from high school to CÉGEP – a key moment for educational success 

Author:Réseau réussite Montréal  

Publisher:Réseau réussite Montréal and Regroupement des cégeps de Montréal  

Year: 2022 

Format: PDF 


A smooth transition, one in which students feel prepared and supported, is a factor for success at CÉGEP. Find out more in our information sheet.

Document: Transitioning from high school to CÉGEP: A key moment for educational success

Going to high school means more than just a new school…

Author:Réseau réussite Montréal  

Publisher:Réseau réussite Montréal  

Year: 2024 

Format: PDF 


What concerns do students have about the transition to high school? How does this transition affect their school experience? Which young people are most affected? Find all the answers in our infographic. 

Document: Going to high school means more than just a new school…

Collectively Investing in 3–5-year-olds to Foster Educational Success 

Title: Collectively Investing in 3–5-year-olds to Foster Educational Success 

Author: Réseau réussite Montréal (and its working group Comité montréalais Transition vers l’école) 

Publisher: Réseau réussite Montréal 

Year: 2023 

Format: PDF 

The five pamphlets of the Collectively Investing in 3–5-year-olds series are released gradually over a 16-month period, lining up with the five key moments of a successful first transition to school. Simple and concise, they emphasize the importance of ensuring that all stakeholders—the children themselves and their families, support networks, daycares, and schools—are valued and work together. The pamphlets convey relevant information rooted in the real world for each key moment. 

Documents :   

PIRLS 2021 International Results in Reading

Title: PIRLS 2021 International Results in Reading 

Author: TIMSS & PIRLS International Study Center 

Publisher: Boston College 

Year: 2023 

Format: PDF 

Results from an international study conducted every five years indicate a reduction in reading achievement among fourth grade students following the pandemic in 21 of the 32 countries in which a comparison is possible with the previous study in 2016.* The study also links the results with a number of indicators, including socioeconomic status, literacy activities before starting school, school climate, and student attitudes toward reading.  

*While the study is recognized as very reliable, the authors caution prudence when interpreting the 2021 results due to the exceptional nature of the pandemic and the variation in measures put in place to counter it. Moreover, comparison of results for countries and provinces that, like Quebec, have postponed the 2021 evaluation to grade 5, is treated separately.  


Document : PIRLS 2021 International Results in Reading 

Access to Services for Asylum Seekers in Québec : Toolkit for Professionals

Title:  Access to Services for Asylum Seekers in Québec : Toolkit for Professionals 

Author: CERDA 

Publisher: CERDA  

Year: 2023 

Format: PDF 

This toolkit contains information about the rights of asylum-seekers and on the services they are entitled to at various stages of their process. Created primarily for professionals and practitioners working with them, this publication covers housing, healthcare, French-language instruction, education, and employment.

Document : Access to Services for Asylum Seekers in Québec : Toolkit for Professionals 

Elementary–Secondary Education Survey, 2020/2021

Title: Elementary–Secondary Education Survey, 2020/2021 

Author: Statistics Canada 

Publisher: Statistics Canada 

Year: 2022 

Format: Website 

The most recent 2020–2021 Elementary-Secondary Education Survey (ESES) from Statistics Canada highlights the pandemic’s effects on education. Notably, it shows a 106% increase in homeschooling, especially among younger students, along with a slightly higher high school graduation rate (+0.5%). Every year, ESES assembles data on public and private schools across Canada. 

Document: Elementary–Secondary Education Survey, 2020/2021

Youth and leisure screen time

Title: Youth and leisure screen time

Author: Réseau réussite Montréal and Jean-François Biron

Publisher: Réseau réussite Montréal

Year: 2022

Format: PDF


This infographic presents the results of a survey on digital habits conducted during the pandemic by Montréal’s public health department (Direction régionale de santé publique de Montréal) among 700 youth aged 13 to 17. It helps answer questions about hyperconnectivity and its effects. It was based on a presentation given by Jean-François Biron on November 25, 2021 as part of Réseau réussite Montréal’s webinar on screens and teens during the pandemic: Écrans et adolescent(e)s en contexte de pandémie.


Document : Youth and leisure screen time

Returning to Normal? Overcoming Vulnerabilities in an Education System Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic

Title: Returning to Normal? Overcoming Vulnerabilities in an Education System Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic (Report on the State and Needs of Education 2020-2021) [Summary]

Author: Conseil supérieur de l’éducation

Publisher: Conseil supérieur de l’éducation

Year: 2021

Format: PDF


« The Conseil’s full Report on the State and Needs of Education entitled Revenir à la normale? Surmonter les vulnérabilités du système éducatif face à la pandémie de COVID-19 [Returning to Normal? Overcoming Vulnerabilities in an Education System Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic] begins with a brief overview of existing research on the effects of past pandemics and other causes of disruptions to the normal school year that could shed light on the current one. It then presents an analytical framework to examine the education system’s response to the pandemic and its impacts using crisis management theory and the construct of resilience. The latter demonstrate that knowing where vulnerabilities lie is key for an organization’s ability to adapt and be resilient when faced with adversity. A cross reference of the statements submitted by the organizations with the Conseil’s own published opinions forms the core of the report, uncovering not only the vulnerabilities in the education system, but any lessons that can be drawn to minimize them. The Conseil then concludes by proposing three broad guidelines that could steer several courses of action to swiftly address the negative impacts of the pandemic on education in Québec and make the education system more resilient over the long term. » (Excerpt from the summary)

Document : Returning to Normal? Overcoming Vulnerabilities in an Education System Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic (Report on the State and Needs of Education 2020-2021) [Summary]