Category Archives: First transition to school

Collectively Investing in 3–5-year-olds to Foster Educational Success 

Title: Collectively Investing in 3–5-year-olds to Foster Educational Success 

Author: Réseau réussite Montréal (and its working group Comité montréalais Transition vers l’école) 

Publisher: Réseau réussite Montréal 

Year: 2023 

Format: PDF 

The five pamphlets of the Collectively Investing in 3–5-year-olds series are released gradually over a 16-month period, lining up with the five key moments of a successful first transition to school. Simple and concise, they emphasize the importance of ensuring that all stakeholders—the children themselves and their families, support networks, daycares, and schools—are valued and work together. The pamphlets convey relevant information rooted in the real world for each key moment. 

Documents :   


Title: Practice+

Author: Chantier montréalais Transition vers l’école*

Publisher: Chantier montréalais Transition vers l’école

Year: 2020

Format: PDF


This resource facilitates a overview and analysis of transition practices that have been or are being implemented. Firstly in order to paint an overall portrait of collaboration among partners and secondly, to enhance practices and optimize their effects in the field. It may also be used to support an organization’s process.

*This committee is composed of the following partners: Association québécoise des Centres de la petite enfance, Direction régionale de santé publique de Montréal, ministère de l’Éducation, ministère de la Famille, Réseau réussite Montréal, Table pour l’intégration en services de garde des enfants ayant une déficience – région de Montréal, Une école montréalaise pour tous, Regroupement des organismes communautaires familles de Montréal

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