October and November
Start of kindergarten has come and gone… The adventure becomes part of routine and challenges are based on new, meaningful relationships.
October and November
Start of kindergarten has come and gone… The adventure becomes part of routine and challenges are based on new, meaningful relationships.
Title: Transitioning from high school to CÉGEP – a key moment for educational success
Author: Réseau réussite Montréal
Publisher: Réseau réussite Montréal and Regroupement des cégeps de Montréal
Year: 2022
Format: PDF
A smooth transition, one in which students feel prepared and supported, is a factor for success at CÉGEP. Find out more in our information sheet.
Document: Transitioning from high school to CÉGEP: A key moment for educational success
Author: Réseau réussite Montréal
Publisher: Réseau réussite Montréal
Year: 2024
Format: PDF
What concerns do students have about the transition to high school? How does this transition affect their school experience? Which young people are most affected? Find all the answers in our infographic.
Document: Going to high school means more than just a new school…
Title: Reading for pleasure: Effective actions to motivate reading in youth aged 10 to 20
Author: Centre de transfert pour la réussite éducative du Québec (CTREQ)
Publisher: Réseau des Instances régionales de concertation sur la persévérance scolaire et la réussite éducative du Québec (Quebec network of regional consulting authorities on student retention and educational success)
Year: 2018
Format: PDF
One becomes a better reader by reading. However, regular reading practices tend to decrease among 10-20 year olds.
To foster interest in reading among youth aged 10 to 20, the Réseau des IRC asked the CTREQ (Centre de transfert pour la réussite éducative du Québec) to compile an inventory of proven practices, promising practices, and resources .
Document: Reading for pleasure: Effective actions to motivate reading in youth aged 10 to 20
Titre : High School Dropout in Proximal Context: The Triggering Role of Stressful Life Events
Auteur : Véronique Dupéré, Eric Dion, Tama Leventhal, Isabelle Archambault, Robert Crosnoe et Michel Janosz
Éditeur : Society for Research in Child Development, Inc.
Année : 2017
Format : PDF payant
Cet article, publié dans la revue Child Development, présente les résultats d’une étude réalisée auprès d’élèves du secondaire, de décrocheurs récents et d’élèves à risque afin de mieux comprendre les éléments déclencheurs qui mènent au décrochage. L’étude révèle que les élèves ayant vécu des situations de stress important sont trois fois plus propices à quitter l’école sans obtenir de diplôme.
Document : High School Dropout in Proximal Context: The Triggering Role of Stressful Life Events
200 school perseverance stakeholders gathered at the Grande Bibliothèque to discuss the myriad facets of parental engagement in children’s educational experience. The presentation of research findings sparked a consideration of the roles and expectations of parents and other educational stakeholders, of the issues related to parental engagement, and of how to promote the value of such engagement.
The presentation was followed by a panel to present initiatives and shed light on the conditions that promote parental engagement and on traps to avoid.
Parental engagement: roles, expectations and issues [PowerPoint Presentation] (French only)
Serge J. Larivée, Ph. D.
Associate Professor
Faculty of Education
Department of Psychopedagogy and Andragogy
Université de Montréal
Sault-au-Récollet Project [PowerPoint Presentation] (French only)
Spaghetti Nights Family Workshops [PowerPoint Presentation] (French only)
A research team studying immigration, equity, and schooling (Groupe de recherche Immigration, équité et scolarisation—GRIES) joined forces with Montreal Hooked on School to launch 13 summary documents about the high school success of students from immigrant backgrounds. To help disseminate the group’s conclusion and determine their effects on programs and practices, over 150 representatives from all sectors gathered at the Commission scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys for a half-day of discussions on the highlights of these documents.
Marie Mc Andrew
Full professor, Canada Senior Research Chair on Education and Ethnic Relations
Faculty of Education, Université de Montréal
Director, GRIES
Presentation of documents and discussions of GRIES research results
Video of presentation (French only)
PowerPoint Presentation (French only)
Summary documents: “La réussite au secondaire des élèves issus de l’immigration” (French only)
Key topic: Students from immigrant backgrounds (French only)
Titre : Réseau réussite Montréal : évaluation de sa mobilisation et d’actions mises en œuvre dans les quartiers ciblés – Tome 3 : L’évaluation de la mise en œuvre et des effets du programme de conciliation études-travail Équi T-É (volet employeur)
Auteur : Évalécole
Éditeur : Évalécole
Année : 2015
Format : PDF
Le volet employeur du programme Équi T-É a fait l’objet d’une évaluation au cours des années 2014 et 2015, dans le cadre d’une vaste démarche d’évaluation menée à Réseau réussite Montréal. Ce rapport présente l’évaluation de la mise en œuvre et des effets du volet employeur du programme Équi T-É à Montréal.
Le rapport a été produit par l’équipe Évalécole, dirigée par le Pr Michel Janosz de l’Université de Montréal et mandatée par Réseau réussite Montréal.
Title : School/work balance
Author : ST-PIERRE, Marc
Publisher : Réunir Réussir
Year : 2013
Format : PDF
Fact sheet #6 of the kit « Taking Effective Action on the Determinants of School Perseverance and Educational Success » produced by Réunir Réussir. This practical reference sheet provides information about current research on the determinant, links to other documentation, and courses of action.
Document: School/work balance
Title : Value placed on education and parental involvement
Author : ST-PIERRE, Marc
Publisher : Réunir Réussir
Year: 2013
Format : PDF
Fact sheet #1 of the kit « Taking Effective Action on the Determinants of School Perseverance and Educational Success » produced by Réunir Réussir. This practical reference sheet provides information about current research on the determinant, links to other documentation, and courses of action.
Document: Value placed on education and parental involvement