In this issue: girls and dropping out
Did you know that 43 percent of Montréal dropouts in 2014 were girls?
There is much concern about the academic success of boys – and with good reason. Many actions in this regard are starting to bear fruit, and the dropout rate among boys is declining. The dropout rate among girls is also declining, but more slowly. So the dropout rates for girls and boys are now separated by just a few percentage points.
The realities specific to boys are well known, but those of girls are much less well-documented. And though the dropout rate among girls and boys is now similar, the specific realities related to girls’ dropping out are rarely part of the public debate on this issue. Which is why Réseau réussite Montréal has been examining this issue for several years.
In this edition of the newsletter, we present a number of research findings that we hope will spark a conversation among you and your colleagues about how this issue affects your organization.
Andrée Mayer-Périard
Executive Director, Réseau réussite Montréal